I'm nervous. Publicly announcing a challenge I made to myself. Today I want to share my plan to "Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks". I got this wild (no so weird) idea from Justin Miller and a post he did over at Lifehack called "How to Save Yourself $21,000 and Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks". I'm not sure about the money but the knowledge and understand can't hurt me. Using Evernote to keep track and I am a little ahead of my schedule. 7 books in 4 weeks so far. Book 7 was The Fault in Our Stars.
I'm not sure what to say about The Fault in Our Stars. Funny and sad about teenagers with cancer. Fictional. Snarky, well written, full of life had me crying, seriously.
This challenge is going to get harder as the weeks progress. Currently I'm reading without a focus on specific genres. That may come.
Would you care to join me in this challenge? Do you have any experience with 52 books in 52 weeks? Book recommendations?