My manifesto - what I turn to in times of confusion.

If we try to adapt our mind to the regular sequence of changes and accept the inevitable with good grace, our life will proceed quite smoothly and harmoniously.
— Epictetus
  • I will try and do things that make me laugh and make others laugh
  • I will try and keep my word
  • I will try and spend time with people smarter than me who I can learn from
  • Books are virtual mentors. Read a lot.
  • Move in nature
  • Hug more
  • It’s ok to be average. I’m average or below average in most things. I’m average at following this manifesto
  • I will try to eat well. I want to make up for all the poor eating decisions I made when younger. 
  • It’s none of my business what people think of me.
  • I will try and be helpful
  • I will try and express gratitude for new things
  • I will try and spend more time listening in conversations. Learning happens when listening not when talking
  • I will try and be the best husband I can, treating Mary with courtesy and interest
  • I will try and be interesting by being interested in others
  • I will try to maintain focus on what is important.
  • I will try to be happy
  • I will try and choice my attitude and not be lead astray by my 'mind weather’
  • I will try and think and act the way I want to feel
  • I will try and be who I am and what makes me come alive