Listening Beyond My Tribe


In writing I hope to inspire, educate, reflect and offer an expression of a vision of the world that progresses towards the reader finding fulfillment and nurturing no matter whether they are my tribe or not. According to the British anthropologist Robin Dunbar the number in my tribe is about 150 +/- 50 individuals. The rest of humanity, all my co-travelers on this Space Ship called Earth, is a tad bit larger, 7.594 billion minus the 150 people in my tribe.

Without the tribalism of nationalities peace and prosperity are available for everyone. Work needs to be done to equalize opportunities but globalization has brought us to the brink of lasting peace. Now there is movement back towards isolation and tribalism.

Key action item is to listen to fellow humans. How do I make humanity my tribe? Why is this hard for a smart, compassionate person. Why is the 'news' and politics so caught up in emphasizing tribalism?

Human nature has evolved in such a way that we rationalize the misuse of the earths natural resources. Why did we evolved this way? Why are we obsessed with economic growth and consumption? The earth is harmed because tribalism warps our incentives. Eliminating or at least reducing tribalism would allow us to look at realigning our incentives.