Challenge yourself. Grow and learn. The idea of creating a challenge is both daunting and exciting. My challenge for this month is to re-engage with hiking/backpacking/camping. This fits with the ongoing, previous challenge of developing a fitness program.
Challenge or project. I've called them both. “Challenge" acknowledges that there are naturally ups and downs, easy parts and hard parts, and that there will be points at which I'll want to quit. Referring to a challenge as a “project” forces one to view them as a process with various parts. I want to remember to 'Be Will' and continually ask 'What is essential?' I have to remember that I have unique medical issues that I have to accommodate.
We’ll see.
Yesterday was a record hugging day. I shared in 21 hugs at the Farmers Market and picked up a couple more on the way home for a total of 23! The sign helped. I hope it didn't cause anyone to avoid us. No pressure. I let the 'other' initiate the hug and didn't get hugs from everyone. I want to be respectful of personal space.