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The Benefits of Blogging

I've been thinking about friendships lately. Building and maintaing friendships is a keystone skill. We don't treat the work infolve in friendships as a skill but we can benifit if we do. What is the work of building and maintaining friendships? Friends make us smarter, healthier, wealthier and most importantly happier.

"We become who we are in great part because of the friends we have." — Alexander Nehamas

Cultivating friendships is important because the traits of the people who we associate with rub off on us and greatly influence who we become.

As part of my goal to develop a friendship muscle, I'm decating myself to this blog. It is a work in progress. You can help by sharing what you think in the comments.

  1. A blog shares knowledge.

"Sharing is caring." Corny, but something I want to do more sharing. I know a lot in various domains and don't share what I've learned. I steal from other bloggers what they have learned without reciprocating.

  1. A blog clarifies my understanding of what I share.

Not sharing and writing about my understanding leaves the knowledge floating in the nebulous mind space unmoored by reality. I can't say I know something until I write it down.

  1. A blog gives a creative outlet.

I'm of the age (old) where I benefit from staying mentally active. Hopefully, I can stretch my writing muscles and say something interesting.